Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon

0207 2242455

Medical Education
University of Mumbai
Masters in Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery
University of Mumbai
Training in Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery
North Thames rotation
Royal National Throat, Nose & Ear hospital
Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
Fellowship (ORL-HNS)
Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow
Doctor of Philosophy (Otorhinolaryngology)
University College London
Career summary
Mr Parikh received his PhD from the University of London in 2007. The qualification was awarded for his research in patients with Nasal polyps.
His thesis was entitled ‘Effectiveness of intranasal lysine-aspirin in patients with aspirin-sensitive and aspirin tolerant nasal polyposis: controlled trials’.
The research involved 2 groups of patients with nasal polyps. The first group were aspirin-sensitive i.e. they had an ‘allergy’ type reaction to aspirin and aspirin like drugs. The second group could tolerate these drugs. As mentioned in the title of the thesis, the research was in the form of patient trials, which started in 1997 and finished around 2000. The trials adhered to the strict international criteria for research. Clinical benefits of intranasal lysine-aspirin were not clearly demonstrated, but interestingly changes at a more molecular level were seen. These results were accepted and published in a reputable and high impact factor journal – The New England Journal of Medicine.
Doctor of Philosophy (University College London)

Mr Parikh has published papers in peer reviewed journals, such as New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, and British Medical Journal amongst others.
Below is a list of his publications:
Parikh A; Scadding GK. Topical nasal lysine aspirin in aspirin-sensitive and aspirin-tolerant chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis. [Review] Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. 10(5):657-65, 2014.
Varadharajan K; Stephens J; Madani G; Parikh A. Rhinolith causing unilateral chronic maxillary rhinosinusitis. BMJ Case Reports. 2014.
Algudkar A; Persaud R; Chatzimichalis M; Parikh A. Unilateral sino-nasal haemorrhagic polyp masquerading as a malignancy in a boxer. JRSM Short Report. 4(4):27, 2013.
Hannan SA, Parikh A. Malignant melanoma of the external ear canal. Lancet 2006, 11;368(9548): 1680.
Ying S, Meng Q, Scadding G, Parikh A, Corrigan C, Lee TH. Aspirin-sensitive rhinosinusitis is associated with reduced E-prostanoid 2 receptor expression on nasal mucosal inflammatory cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006, 117(2): 312-8.
Parikh A, Scadding G. Intranasal lysine-aspirin in aspirin-sensitive nasal polyposis: a controlled trial. Laryngoscope 2005, 115(8): 1385-90.
Corrigan C, Mallett K, Ying S, Roberts D, Parikh A, Scadding G, Lee T. Expression of the cysteinyl leukotriene receptors cysLT1 and cysLT2 in aspirin-sensitive and aspirin-tolerant chronic rhinosinusitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005, 115(2): 316-22.
Parikh A, Scadding G. Low Dose Intranasal Lysine-Aspirin in Patients With Aspirin-Sensitive Nasal Polyps. J Allergy Clin Immunol2004, (Supplement) 113(2): abstract 687.
Mallett K, Ying S, Qiu M, Sousa A, Scadding G, Parikh A, Lee T, Corrigan C. Expression of the Cys LT2 Receptor on Mucosal Inflammatory Cells in Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004, (Supplement) 113(2): abstract 11.
Meng Q, Mallett K, Scadding G, Parikh A, Lee T, Corrigan C. Expression and Distribution of the Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) Receptors EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4 in Aspirin-Sensitive Rhinosinusitis and Controls. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004, (Supplement) 113(2): abstract 25.
P Gray, T Warner, I Vojnovic, P Del Soldato, Parikh A, G K Scadding, J A Mitchell. Effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase activity in whole blood from aspirin-sensitive asthmatics vs. healthy donors. British J Pharmacology 2002, 137(7): 1031-1038.
A Sousa, Parikh A, G K Scadding, C Corrigan, T H Lee. Leukotriene receptor expression on nasal mucosal inflammatory cells in aspirin-sensitive rhinosinusitis. New England Journal of Medicine 2002, 347: 1493-1499.
A Sousa, Parikh A, G K Scadding, C Corrigan, T H Lee. Differential expession of cysteinyl leukotriene and LTB4 receptors in aspirin sensitive asthmatic individuals; effect of aspirin desensitisation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine March 2002. (abstract).
D Colantonio, L Brouillette, Parikh A, G K Scadding. Paradoxical low nasal nitric oxide in nasal polyposis. Clinical Experimental Allergy2002, 32: 698-701.
Parikh A, G K Scadding, P Gray, M G Belvisi, J A Mitchell. High levels of nitric oxide synthase activity are associated with nasal polyp tissue from aspirin-sensitive asthmatics. Acta Otolaryngolaryngologica 2002, 122: 302-305.
S.Ragab, Parikh A, Y.C.Darby, G.K.Scadding. An open audit of Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist in nasal polyposis associated with asthma. Clinical Experimental Allergy 2001, 31:1385-91.
Parikh A, G Scadding. Double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial of intranasal lysine-aspirin in patients with aspirin-sensitive nasal polyposis. J Allergy Clin Immunology 2001, 107; S165:542. (abstract)
Parikh A, Y.Darby, G.Scadding, R.Baker. Topical corticosteroids in Chronic rhinosinusitis: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial using Fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray. Rhinology 2001, 39:75-79.
P.Gray, T.Warner, I.Vojnovic, Parikh A, G.Scadding, P.Del Soldato, J.Mitchell. Leukotriene production in human blood is reduced by NO-Aspirin but not Aspirin: Comparisons between responses in healthy volunteers and aspirin-sensitive asthmatics. British J Pharmacology 2000, 129 (suppl); 217P. (abstract)
R Alles, Parikh A, L Hawk, Y Darby, JN Romero, G Scadding. The prevalence of atopic disorders in children with chronic otitis media with effusion. Paediatric Allergy Clin Immunology 2001, 12:1-7.
Parikh A, R Alles, L Hawk, M.Pringle, Y Darby, G Scadding. Treatment of allergic rhinitis and its impact in children with chronic otitis media with effusion. J Audiological Medicine 2000, 9(2):104-117.
D.Colantonio, L.Brouilette, Parikh A, G.K.Scadding. Paradoxical low nasal nitric oxide in nasal polyposis. J Allergy Clin Immunology 2000, 105; S206:615. (abstract)
Parikh A, JA Mitchell, G Scadding. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity in aspirin-sensitive nasal polyps. J Allergy Clin Immunology 1999, 103; S248:955. (abstract)
R.Salib, A.Thirlwell, CB.Croft, Parikh A, BT.Kotecha. Predictor value of sleep nasendoscopy in the management of patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. J Laryngology and Otology 1999, 113 (suppl 23):44. (abstract)
M Taccariello, Parikh A, Y Darby, G Scadding. Nasal douching as a valuable adjunct in the management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A randomized, single-blind study comparing alkaline nasal douche and sterile sea water spray. Rhinology 1998, 37:29-32.
G Scadding, Parikh A, RC Baker, DH Richards. Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Effect of Fluticasone Propionate Aqueous Nasal Spray. J Allergy Clin Immunology 1998 (suppl), 101: S252. (abstract)
Parikh A, G Scadding. Clinical profile of aspirin-sensitive and aspirin-tolerant nasal polyposis, and results of intranasal lysine-aspirin challenge. Allergologie 1998, 21(11): 579. (abstract)
Parikh A, GK Scadding. Clinical features of patients with aspirin-sensitive nasal polyposis and response to intranasal challenge. Allergy 1998 (suppl), 53:111. (abstract)
M Taccariello, Parikh A, Y Darby, G Scadding. Chronic Rhinosinusitis - The effect of nasal douching. Allergy 1998 (suppl), 53:165. (abstract)
Parikh A, G Scadding. Seasonal allergic rhinitis. British Medical Journal 1997, 314:1392-95.
Parikh A, G Scadding. Treatment of persistent otitis media. (Letter) Lancet 1996, 348: 1517.
Parikh A, G.B Brookes. Conductive hearing loss following Retrolabyrinthine surgery. Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surg 1996, 122 (8): 841- 43.
D.Whinney, Parikh A, G.B.Brookes. Barotraumatic fracture of Stapes footplate. American J of Otology 1996, 17:697-99.
Parikh A, G.B Brookes. Vestibular nerve section following previous mastoidectomy. J Laryngology and Otology 1996, 110:836-40.
Parikh A, G.B Brookes. Bony Ossicular fixation following neurotological surgery. J Laryngology and Otology 1995, 109:795. (abstract)
L.Badia, Parikh A, G.B Brookes. Management of middle ear myoclonus. J Laryngology and Otology 1994, 108:380-382.
L.Badia, Parikh A, G.B Brookes. Pyocele of the Middle turbinate: a case report. J Laryngology and Otology 1994, 108:783-784.
E.W Fisher, Parikh A, J.P Harcourt, A.Wright. The burden of screening for acoustic neuroma: asymmetric otological symptoms in the ENT clinic. Clinical Otolaryngology 1994, 19:19-21.
Parikh A, G.B Brookes. Subtotal Petrosectomy with external canal overclosure in the management of chronic suppurative otitis media. J Laryngology and Otology 1994, 108:197-201.
R.M Irving, Parikh A, A.Coumbe, D.M Albert. Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy. J Laryngology and Otology 1993, 107:1045-48.

Meet Mr Parikh